Monday, February 7, 2011

Veronica A. Nee, my mother.

       For all that know my mother and myself they would know that we don't have the Gilmore Girl relationship, when we have our ups and downs, one very big down, but with some very nice ups. But for those who are not on the inside they would not know that besides all those bad moments filled with my bad attitude, yelling and our equal amounts of stubbornness, this woman is a person that I look up too and one day hope to have an ounce of her strength.
Growing up I never went without anything another child my age wanted, even if I was raised by a single parent living in her parents house. I went to museums, aquariums, camp. I did soccer, baseball, and basketball all with her with me or watching on the sidelines. However living with older people there are always medical things, and with my family it was my great grandmas heart attack the night before my baptism, my grandfather being put permanently put on oxygen, to my grandmother being diagnosed with terminal cancer, she stood strong and carried on. She helped out, did things she didn't want to do, she always worked two to three jobs to provide for me, and kept my grandmother running the house.
I watched her loose her grandmothers, father, and I am now watching her slowly loosing her mother and I wish I could have her strength and poise to continue doing the things she was doing before and keep a smile, or in her case her own special smile, on her face and trudge through it.
Most days I wish that her life was easier and that she didn't have to deal with all of these things and I wish that nothing bad happened to her.
She is my hero, the person I look up too, the person I hope to be when I go out into the world. She raised me, got a degree, kept two jobs, helped my grandmother, and still managed to keep up with her shows. I love my mother a lot.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Chelsea. You've got me crying right here in my study hall! You DO have your mother's strength, of that I have no doubt. You and she get that from one another I believe. Yours is one of my favorite families. I admire you all so much and I find inspiration in your challenges and in your closeness. I'm blessed to know you.
